I have no formal training in composition or music theory. Neither did any of the Beatles, but they were blessed with innate genius and George Martin. I don't know that I have any particular talent for writing music, but one thing is certain...
...I'm better at composing solo piano arrangements of Beatles songs than I am at managing my time and actually doing the schoolwork that is... *ahem* "towering over my head."
Here's my take on "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." I hope you enjoy listening to it, mistakes and all, as much as I enjoyed arranging it. If nothing else, it can provide for you, as it did for me, a welcome distraction from whatever you're actually supposed to be doing at the moment.
Obviously, all credit for the melody and many of the background parts in this arrangement goes to Lennon/McCartney (and George and Ringo as well.) I did no more than embroider their brilliant fabric a bit.