thoughts on writing and life
words about me

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Hello there. :)
I'm Brenna-- writer, musician, and child of God.
What I Write
My first novel, After Eden, was a delve into the beauty and pain of the life of Eve, the world's first woman. While it was deeply flawed and I've since laid it aside, I'm grateful for that story and all it taught me, the most important lesson being that I could write a novel; that it was not beyond my grasp.
My work in progress, A Life Lost, is a fantasy novel set in the desert country of Vantarrh. It's a story of loss and redemption, selfishness and self-sacrifice, scattered throughout with amnesia, strange powers, sword fighting, and walking trees. Lord willing, it will all cohere into a publishable draft to offer the world within the next couple years.
And my next 10+ projects are in various stages of gestation, both on paper and in my imagination, with more constantly being added to the queue.
Who I Am
I'm a dreamer, adventurous and unrepentantly impractical, stubbornly loyal to my values and my people. Sensitivity is my greatest strength and my fatal weakness. Pronunciation, right vs. left, and social expectations have mystified me since childhood and will continue to do so.
I love stories, music, my friends and family, language and the written word, travel, dogs, theatrical sword fighting, rain, fog, the ocean, Wonder Woman, Shakespeare, Star Wars, Tolkien, and coffee black as the cloaks of the Nazgul and strong as the stout heart of Samwise Gamgee. Among other things.
But at the end of the day, who I am is a sinner saved by Christ, called to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. I hope the thoughts on writing and life you find here inspire you, uplift you, and point you to Him.
Blogs I Love
Helping Writers Become Authors
The New Authors Fellowship
Disclaimer: I find these websites helpful and interesting, but do not necessarily agree with or endorse all views they express or content they contain.