A New Book Is Coming...

I genuinely didn't know if this would happen, but it's happening and I'm thrilled. It's still very much a work in progress, and I can't say exactly when it will be ready for publication, but it's far enough along that I'm confident I'll finish and publish it eventually.
Here's what I can share about the book so far:
-It's a poetry book, and sort of a cross between The Sense of Non-Cents and Drifter Sister. It has the thematic coherence of Sister, but it's a compilation of short poems like Non-Cents was.
-The working title is The Ill Maid Knight. Bonus points if you know what mythological figure this is referencing.
-This book has a unique twist to separate it from my first two-- it's going to include a couple short stories alongside the poems.
-Its chief theme is love, and the poems explore all of the joy, pain, tension, beauty, and confusion that can come along with love.
-As with my other poetry, if you are debating between multiple possible interpretations of a poem, the answer is probably "Yes."
And finally, here is a sneak peek of a poem to be included in the book!
Out of the Depths
The sound of a splash
Led me to wade through the reeds that scratched my bare legs
And find the pool set ablaze by sunlight
As though its surface was a million-faceted diamond.
I looked closer
And found turquoise edges
Running into a center of otherworldly blue,
Down, down,
Deeper still
Until finally, the bottom…
No. Not yet.
I was the more deceived.
Here are profound depths
At which those outside can only vainly grasp
And never fathom.
How I long to dive
Sink forever
Leaving ripples that never end.
Too afraid,
I stare instead,
Is it the pool indeed I love,
Or what I think I see in it?