Book Review: Lilith by George MacDonald
After greatly enjoying George Macdonald's Phantastes, I decided to continue exploring his works with Lilith, and I'm so glad I did....

Book Review: Blood and Bond by Laura Vanarendonk Baugh
Blood and Bond is the sequel to Shard and Shield, which I reviewed recently, and it shares the strengths and weaknesses of the first...

Book Review: Shard and Shield by Laura Vanarendonk Baugh
Summary from Amazon: King’s bastard Shianan Becknam buries himself in his military career to avoid the family that never wanted him and...

Interview with Brynna Williamson, Author of Over the River and Through the Woods
I'd like you to welcome to my blog Brynna Williamson, my friend and name-twin, who just published a historical fiction novel, Over the...